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Agency Administrator Workshop

Agency Administrator Workshop Video

Agency Administrators and Line Officers are being tasked to aggressively implement fuels management programs. This consists of gaining additional skills to effectively manage evolving fuels management plans that may need to meet a variety of objectives.

Students of the National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center (NIPFTC) Agency Administrator Workshop (N9052) will network with successful fuels program managers and skilled prescribed fire practitioners to learn about fuels management direction, policy, planning, and implementation. Experienced and diverse cadre members also offer insight to management challenges, such as how to restore fire to the landscape and meeting objectives for multiple resources using prescribed fire.

Target Audience
  • U.S. Forest Service: District Ranger/Deputy, Forest Supervisor/Deputy*
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Project Leader/Deputy, Refuge Manager/Deputy**
  • Bureau of Land Management: District Manager/Deputy, Field Manager/Deputy
  • National Park Service: Park Superintendent/Deputy
  • Bureau of Indian Affairs: Agency Superintendent/Deputy
  • Tribal: Tribal manager with Prescribed Fire Management responsibilities
  • Other federal and state government agencies, NGOs, and international organizations are also welcome to apply

*For U.S. Forest Service students, this workshop meets one of the requirements in FSM 5140 to approve prescribed fire burn plans. With the advent of the Agency Administrator taskbook, NIPFTC has worked with the National Line Officer Team to identify tasks that are met by this workshop. Currently there is the opportunity to accomplish up to 16 tasks.

**For U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service participants, this workshop meets Interagency Fire Management Leadership course requirements necessary to develop and maintain a Fire Management Plan, and to approve prescribed fire plans.

Workshop Objectives
  • Discuss interagency fuels management direction, policy, and planning.
  • Demonstrate comprehension of policy, burn plans, smoke management, and the decision-making process.
  • Identify, analyze, and interpret risk management, liability, and burn complexity as it pertains to Agency Administrators and Line Officers.
  • Identify key elements of successful fuels programs in the wildland urban interface and landscapes.
  • Interact with successful program managers and skilled practitioners to build a network of contacts.
  • Receive feedback on an approved home unit Burn Plan.
  • Design an “Action Plan” to assist with progressing home unit fuels program.
  • Assess the effectiveness of fire treatments in meeting objectives.
  • Demonstrate decision making during tactical decision exercises.
  • Enhance prescribed fire skills through hands-on experience.

Upcoming Dates and Schedule

October 2024 AA Workshop: 10/24/24 through 10/29/24
January 2025 AA Workshop: 01/30/25 through 02/04/25
May 2025 AA Workshop: 05/01/25 through 05/06/25

  • The workshop itself is six full days. It begins at 0800 on a Thursday and concludes the afternoon of the following Tuesday (please note, this will require students to work through the weekend). Students should plan to travel the Wednesday prior and post.
  • Host sites include active federal and state prescribed fire programs across the country. The workshop location will be determined after applications are submitted and selections made. Students will be notified of the workshop location upon selection. The workshop format, content, and the diverse cadre and students selected for each workshop remain priorities for all of our deliveries. Students will receive the same quality and content of training, and the same certificate, for all workshops.

How to Apply

The open application period for all Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) deliveries will be from May 14th, 2024 through July 16th, 2024. Applications will not be accepted after close.

  • Applications are on the Wildland Fire Learning Portal (click the following link to redirected: NIPFTC AA Workshop FY25 Application)
  • Chrome browser is preferred when using the Wildland Fire Learning Portal. You will be required to login with an active account to apply and, if selected, you will be required to use Wildland Fire Learning Portal to complete pre-workshop requirements. It is recommended you ensure you have a Wildland Fire Learning Portal account, and that your login email is current.

Cost and Requirements
  • There is no tuition. All costs for travel, per diem, salary, and overtime will be the responsibility of the sending unit. Upon selection, students will receive information for making travel arrangements and hotel reservations. NIPFTC will also provide transportation during the workshop, rental cars are not required.
  • Aside from the workshop, there are also several pre-workshop items that must be completed upon selection, and deadlines met, including making hotel reservations and completing required questionnaires and assignments on the Wildland Fire Learning Portal. All these things should not take more than a day in total.
  • A current Red Card is not required to apply or participate in the workshop. However, part of the workshop consists of two live fire exercises (depending on weather). Participation on the live fire exercises is flexible and more information will be provided upon selection; however, full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be required no matter the level of participation. Students will be encouraged to contact their local fire staff, or dispatch, to obtain PPE.

Quotes from Past Students

"One of things that stands out most was the course's interactive approach. In addition to the presentations, the instructors fostered an environment which promoted active participation and collaboration. Through group discussions, break-out sessions, interactive simulations, and hands-on exercises, participants were able to grasp the concepts more effectively. In addition, these exercises gave everyone the opportunity to exchange valuable insights and experiences with other participants." -Richard Di Valentino, BIA Deputy Superintendent, Fort Apache Agency, February 2024 AAWS-Jacksonville, FL

"My expectations were exceeded by the content, diverse learning experiences, high level of expertise among instructors, and relevance to the position of AA. I'm inspired by what I learned and can bring back to my home unit. The Cadre were well-prepared and very knowledgeable about the roles of AA (650 years of experience!). They created a supportive learning environment and worked hard to ensure that our objectives were met. -Meg Trebon, USFS CWI Planning Team Coordinator, Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest, November 2023 AAWS-Orlando, FL

"This workshop has been extremely valuable to me. There are a number of conversations I have been thinking about for this pre-season period with my fire crew, and I am coming home with developed thoughts and best of all, concrete tools to help facilitate these as focused and productive meetings. My knowledge base has increased and put me on firmer footings as an AA." -Sean Brophy, USFWS Deputy Project leader, San Luis National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Spring 2023 AAWS-Destin, FL

"It was very well thought out and covers all the aspects of the role of an AA in Rx helps build confidence and understand burn plan to implementation...I feel more confident to engage with my staff on Rx burning." -Abby Lane, USFS District Ranger, Lolo National Forest, Spring 2023 AAWS-Destin, FL

“The Agency Administrators Workshop conducted by the Prescribed Fire Training Center is a must for any Agency Administrator, regardless of level of experience. Although I have a background in prescribed fire, through taking the class I realized how much more I still have to learn. The class does a great job of combining classroom and field visits to give students a comprehensive learning experience. Most impressively, the instructors took the time to really understand the needs of the students and actually changed the agenda to address pressing concerns (I've never been in a class that did that). Bottom line - this is a class that will help you do your job better!” -Michael Lusk, USFWS Refuge Manager, Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, Spring 2019 AAWS-Daytona Beach, FL

Contacts for Additional Information

Aubrey Saunders - NIPFTC Training Coordinator
Office: (850) 614-4585 ext. 1050